I am
; a UX Front-end Developer
This is my Garage
Sekrab Garage
light mode
b /
a small piece or amount of something, especially one that is left over after the greater part has been used.
Angular SSR update, and deprecated tokens
Upgrading to Angular version 19
one day ago
There are two ways to update, using ng update directly, or creating a new application after updatin...
Angular SSR Update
Replacing Angular Universal with SSR version 17.0
11 months ago
Angular has adopted Universal and made it a kid of its own! Today I will rewrite some old code we use...
Angular Firebase Authentication
III - Firebase For Authentication only in Angular
11 months ago
The middle ground is to use Firebase Auth, for authentication, and use our own API for user managemen...
Angular Firebase Authentication
II - Firebase User Management in Angular
12 months ago
To recap, we need to create a sign up process using password and Google provider. We need to keep all...
Angular Firebase Authentication
I - Setting up AngularFire with Authentication
12 months ago
This series is not a tutorial for AngularFire per se. We are interesting in knowing how to connect ...
Angular Standalone Feature
Angular Standalone in SSR: update
one year ago
[TLDR]To allow all components to be standalone and build for SSR in Angular using the still-supported...
Storage and Caching
Displaying cacheable content with a partial component in Angular
one year ago
After creating a localstroage wrapper , and a data cache decorator , let’s put them together to cre...
An xhr2 explicit exclusion of the cookie
Angular SSR Refused to set unsafe header
one year ago
I've been trying to fix a bug where I was making an http call to my local host, to get list of cate...
Intersection events and loose ends
one year ago
We used intersection observer to add classes and lazy load images. Here are some final touches that m...
Taming dynamic images
Lazy loading images upon intersection in Angular
one year ago
Images are content, whether allowed on the server or not. They are usually controlled by host servers...
Intersection observer directive to add and remove classes in Angular
one year ago
First, the basics, this directive needs to return if on SSR.I borrowed the definition of isBrowser ...
Storage and Caching
A cache decorator in Angular
one year ago
Having a decorator that caches the result of a service call is not a new quest on the web, but today ...
Angular programmatically created components
Homemade dialog service in Angular
two years ago
Let's put all our knowledge in creating components programmatically in Angular 16 to good use. Let's ...
Angular programmatically created components
Providing services to programmatically created components in Angular
two years ago
The last bit to investigate before we put everything together as a Dialog service is how to pass inst...
Angular programmatically created components
Inserting programmatically created components with templates and content projection in Angular
two years ago
Previously we tried hosting the newly created component in an HTML element, whether existing in body...
Angular programmatically created components
Inserting Peach component into Rose at runtime
two years ago
The great Dialog componentThe Angular Material Dialog component is—among other things—a component i...
Angular programmatically created components
Creating a component dynamically, and programmatically in Angular
two years ago
An example use of a dynamically, programmatically created component in Angular is the infamous Dialo...
Saving cookie on local server
Authentication in Angular: Part V, Handling SSR
two years ago
When loading a localStorage-authenticated page, the SSR version kicks in with no access to the token....
Redirect feature and Account extra service
Authentication in Angular: Part IV
two years ago
Picking up as we move on, there are a couple more features we want to implement to close the circle. ...
Logout and Clean up Code
Authentication in Angular: Part III
two years ago
Today let me add a proper logout, and before we move forward to more features, let’s clean up and app...
Http Interception and Refreshing
Authentication in Angular: The Circular Dependency in DI issue popping its ugly head
two years ago
Picking up where we left off, the first use case for our Auth service is a header token. The best way...
The basic ingredients
Authentication in Angular, why it is so hard to wrap your head around it
two years ago
Authentication ingredientsA full cycle of authentication and authorization in an SPA may go through t...
Resources that stick
Five tools and resources for Web that survived information overload
two years ago
How often do you see titles of articles that read something like this: 20 productivity tools to help...
Sanity.IO Tip
Querying GROQ for table of contents
two years ago
A nice tip I came across when creating a Table of Contents based on H2 elements in an article on ...
Angular RxJS based state management
Creating a loading effect using RxJs in Angular
two years ago
Carrying on from creating our state management based on RxJS , today we will create an example usage...